Medical-grade skin care products contain a special combination of active ingredients that positively affect your skin’s health and appearance. These products are only available in medical facilities, such as Allura MD Laser Aesthetics in Salem, Virginia and the Roanoke Valley area. Learn how these superior medical-grade skin care products can benefit your skin’s appearance by calling the office or using the online booking agent to make an appointment.

Skin Care Q & A


What Constitutes a Medical Skin Care Product?

Medical skin care products are often a blend of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, so they provide aesthetic and medicinal benefits. They contain ingredients that penetrate below the top layer of your skin; products purchased over-the-counter at your local beauty store do not penetrate these deeper layers.


What is SkinMedica?

SkinMedica® is scientifically formulated and clinically tested to help restore your skin’s youthful appearance. These products rejuvenate your skin with a combination of growth factors, antioxidants, retinoids, hyaluronic acid, and other medical grade agents. The staff at Allura MD Laser Aesthetics may recommend you use SkinMedica products along with laser treatments and chemical peels.



What is Obagi?

Obagi is a program of skin care that offers optimal results for a person who wants to change their skin from the inside out. You commit to an 18-22 week process, during which you’ll experience redness, peeling, and other minor skin irritations to achieve your desired results. People who are candidates for Obagi have lots of age spots, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, larger pores, and dull complexions. Other products available from Obagi treat acne, puffy eyes, and sun damaged chest and neck areas.


What is Glo Skin Beauty?

Glo Skin Beauty includes award-winning formulations that deliver UV and environmental protection along with an exceptional spectrum of mineral pigments. The products are talc-free and non-comedogenic, so they’re perfect for anyone with sensitive skin.



How Do I Know Which Skin-Care Product to Use?

The knowledgeable staff at Allura MD Laser Aesthetics is available to answer all your questions about their medical-grade line of skin-care products. They can help you determine which are best for your goals.

The staff provides you with a skin care regimen customized to your specific needs. They’ll provide you an education on use and precautions, and also help you understand exactly why the particular products are recommended to you.

Another benefit of having a medical-grade skin care products recommended to you is that you don’t have to waste time and money trying all sorts of over-the-counter brands. You will see quicker results with less product because of the particular ingredient concentrations, too.



Acquire high-quality medical-grade skin care products by contacting Allura MD Laser Aesthetics today.

Allura MD Laser Aesthetics
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